This blog sits somewhere between auto-didacticism and expertise. My interests range from woodworking, music production, film, and food to black studies, lesbian domesticity, and how far we can stretch the limits and implications of the long 19th-century. I'm curious about forms–forms of art, forms of life, forms of craft–what they enable people to do and create and experience. I'm curious how the cultivation of attention and preparation of the senses various forms enable can carryover between practices. I had a tumblr back in the day titled "stones in the water" and, lately, I've been wanting to record more of my thoughts and doings and interests in a way that resonates with that time. I miss the hey-days of blogging, don't think they're coming back, but hope something more like that can emerge in the crater left behind by social media and its privatization of the web.

I currently make my home in a 1910s quasi-Foursquare in Roanoke, VA.

about me

I grew up in Miami, FL, though I was born in Ft. Worth TX and spent my early childhood in Syracuse, NY. I went away to Nashville, TN for college and found much of what I was looking for in a place. After some time in ATL earning a Masters and a mistaken adventure in rural suburban hell PA, I returned to Nashville for my PhD. I'm currently an Assistant Professor of Race in American Religion and Culture at Virginia Tech and am finishing two books.

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